Software Development 17
- Extending MediatR with publishing strategies
- From Hours to Seconds: The Journey to a 630x Faster Batch Job
- Global soft delete in EF Core!
- Current user implementation in ASP.NET Core!
- Asynchronous programming in ASP.NET web stack!
- Simplifying Configuration for Temporal Tables in EF Core!
- Publishing strategies in MediatR
- Owned Entity Types: Ensuring Non-Nullable Navigation in EF Core
- Customizing Column Naming Conventions for Owned Types in EF Core
- Setting Global Table Naming Conventions in EF Core
- Default item for a given entity's collection
- What is the proper usage of domain events?
- Immutable entities and value objects in EF Core!
- Alternative caching implementations and cache invalidation!
- Open-Closed Principle and runtime DI configurations!
- How to implement auditing on your entities!
- What is a domain model?